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Student Scores

We've got a list of scores of the exam Ancient Chinese Literature attended last term. Let's have a look how the students are doing.

Apparently from the exam results, age is apparently an advantage in this exam.

Name Gender Nationality Birth Year Score
William Shakespeare Male English 1564 90
Jane Austen Female English 1775 87
Alexandre Dumas Male French 1802 74
Mark Twain Male American 1835 79
Charles Dickens Male English 1812 83
Franz Kafka Male German 1883 58
J.R.R. Tolkien Male English 1892 47
Ernest Hemingway Male American 1899 66

1. Preparation

Raw Data

Run the below command to create our test data

cat <<SCORES> scores.txt
William Shakespeare Male English 1564 90
Jane Austen Female English 1775 87
Alexandre Dumas Male French 1802 58
Mark Twain Male American 1835 79
Charles Dickens Male English 1812 83
Franz Kafka Male German 1883 74
J.R.R. Tolkien Male English 1892 47
Ernest Hemingway Male American 1899 66

2. Who failed the exam?

Apperantly, some students had scores lower than 60, let's find out who exactly.

Who Failed

This command will print out the names if the last field is smaller than 60.

awk '$NF<60 {print $1,$2}' scores.txt

Alexandre Dumas
J.R.R. Tolkien

Command Structure

As you may have figured out, a simple filtering awk commmand composed of mainly two parts:


3. Gender Filter

Let's have a look what the male students' scores are.

We will use a format:

  • First column (First Name) as a width of 10
  • Second column (Last Name) as a width of 12
  • Third column (Gender) as a width of 8
  • Last column (Score) as a width of 8


The command will find out all the students if the third field is Male.

awk '$3=="Male" {printf "%-10s%-12s%-8s%8d\n", $1,$2,$3,$NF}' scores.txt

William   Shakespeare Male          90
Alexandre Dumas       Male          58
Mark      Twain       Male          79
Charles   Dickens     Male          83
Franz     Kafka       Male          74
J.R.R.    Tolkien     Male          47
Ernest    Hemingway   Male          66

We can sort the result by scores using sort

Male Sorted

awk '$3=="Male" {printf "%-10s%-12s%-8s%8d\n", $1,$2,$3,$NF}' scores.txt \
    | sort -rnk4
William   Shakespeare Male          90
Charles   Dickens     Male          83
Mark      Twain       Male          79
Franz     Kafka       Male          74
Ernest    Hemingway   Male          66
Alexandre Dumas       Male          58
J.R.R.    Tolkien     Male          47

4. More Filters

Let's have a look how the students born in 1800s doing?


awk '$5<1900 && $5>=1800 {printf "%-10s%-12s%8d%8d\n", $1,$2,$5,$NF}' scores.txt
awk '$5 ~ /18[0-9]{2}/ {printf "%-10s%-12s%8d%8d\n", $1,$2,$5,$NF}' scores.txt
Alexandre Dumas           1802      58
Mark      Twain           1835      79
Charles   Dickens         1812      83
Franz     Kafka           1883      74
J.R.R.    Tolkien         1892      47
Ernest    Hemingway       1899      66

Using Regex

It is quite convenient to use regex as the matching pattern. We will further explore the usage of regex later in our tutorial dealing with logs.

Now, who scored more than 80 and born after 1800?

Young and Excellent

The command filter out the last field large than 80 and the fifth field larger than 1800.

awk '$NF>80 && $5>1800 {printf "%-10s%-12s%8d%8d\n", $1,$2,$5,$NF}' scores.txt

As the only student scored more than 80 and born after 1800, Mr Dickens must be a very hard working student!

Charles   Dickens         1812      83

How are English students doing in this exam?

English Students' Results

awk '$4=="English" {printf "%-10s%-12s%-10s%8d\n", $1,$2,$4,$NF}' scores.txt
William   Shakespeare English         90
Jane      Austen      English         87
Charles   Dickens     English         83
J.R.R.    Tolkien     English         47

5. Age

Today is 2020-12-30, and how old are our students?


awk '{printf "%-10s%-12s%8d\n", $1,$2,2020-$5}' scores.txt

Blimey, they are old.

William   Shakespeare      456
Jane      Austen           245
Alexandre Dumas            218
Mark      Twain            185
Charles   Dickens          208
Franz     Kafka            137
J.R.R.    Tolkien          128
Ernest    Hemingway        121