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Client: Python

Here, we discuss some implementations of the python client of k8s, which may help you debug some errors

1. Configuration

1.1 Load Kube Config



Here, it will try to load the config from a kubectl config file.

The file is default at path ~/.kube/config, you can also change the config file you want to use by:

  • pass the argument config.load_kube_config(config_file='path-to-config')
  • change the envrionment variable KUBECONFIG to path-to-config

But, how does it work underneath the code? Here is a flow chart of how the codes work:

    [*] --> load_kube_config
    config_file --> _get_kube_config_loader
    load_kube_config --> _get_kube_config_loader
    _get_kube_config_loader --> load_kube_config
    load_kube_config --> load_and_set
    load_and_set --> Configuration.set_default
    Configuration.set_default --> [*]

Now let's have a look at the source codes.

1. Load Kube Config

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The first part is easy, it will call _get_kube_config_loader() to get a config loader, then call the loader's load_and_set(config) to load the config from file and set the attribute to the config object.

def load_kube_config(config_file=None, context=None,
    if config_file is None:
        config_file = KUBE_CONFIG_DEFAULT_LOCATION

    loader = _get_kube_config_loader(
        filename=config_file, active_context=context,

    if client_configuration is None:
        config = type.__call__(Configuration)

2. Load and Set

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In load_and_set, the code will then load info and set the attributes of a client_configuration.

def load_and_set(self, client_configuration):

3. _set_config

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In the _set_config, fields host, ssl_ca_cert, cert_file, key_file, verify_ssl will be set to loaded config value.

def _set_config(self, client_configuration):
    keys = ['host', 'ssl_ca_cert', 'cert_file', 'key_file', 'verify_ssl']
    for key in keys:
        if key in self.__dict__:
            setattr(client_configuration, key, getattr(self, key))

4. Set Default Config

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After the configuration is set, in load_kube_config, Configuration.set_default(config) is called to save the current config to a class attribute _default

class Configuration(object):
    def set_default(cls, default):
        cls._default = copy.deepcopy(default)

2. Client

2.1 Create an API Client

Create a Client

v1 = client.CoreV1Api()

How does it loads the correct config?

    [*] --> CoreV1Api()
    CoreV1Api() --> ApiClient()
    ApiClient() --> Configuration.get_default_copy()
    Configuration.get_default_copy() --> copy.deepcopy(cls._default)
    copy.deepcopy(cls._default) --> [*]

1. Create a Specific API Client Object

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When a CoreV1Api is initializing, it will set self.api_client, and if not passed in, it will create an ApiClient instance.

class CoreV1Api(object):
    def __init__(self, api_client=None):
        if api_client is None:
            api_client = ApiClient()
        self.api_client = api_client

2. API Client Copy the Default Config

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When ApiClient initializes, if no configuration is provided, it will call Configuration.get_default_copy() to get a configuration object.

class ApiClient(object):
    def __init__(self, configuration=None, header_name=None, header_value=None,
                cookie=None, pool_threads=1):
        if configuration is None:
            configuration = Configuration.get_default_copy()

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In the Configuration.get_default_copy, it will return the deepcopy of the previously loaded config. And that is how it get the loaded configuration automatically.

def get_default_copy(cls):
    if cls._default is not None:
        return copy.deepcopy(cls._default)
    return Configuration()